EFR Certificate for the reconciliation of work and family life: we got the top rating!
Laboratorios Quinton has been classified as being an outstanding company when it comes to the reconciliation of work and family life with the A rating (top score) of the EFR Certificate by the Fundación Másfamilia. This is how the Foundation acknowledges the reconciliation management model that we have been promoting in the company for the last 6 years.

The overall approach of our reconciliation of work and family life management model.
Compiling a catalogue with more than 80 people management measures with an overall approach is part of this model, and it focuses on the safety, well-being, emotional balance, health and the reconciliation of work and family life adapted to the needs of each age group.
“We update the good practices every year – states Cecilia Coll, the head of our People with Values Department- this has enabled us to improve the indices related to occupational risk prevention (number of accidents, number of days of leave, absenteeism, job satisfaction, etc.), and it has earned us recognition from the Masfamilia Foundation, so that we can be used as an example for other companies”.
All the measures taken can be grouped into three main blocks:
- #Reconciliation, it consolidates our belief in advocating flexibility, by highlighting measures such as a continuous working day, flexitime, à la carte holidays or active listening.
- #TotumSpirit,it groups together all the physical activity ventures such as being a personal trainer, sports gear, promoting team sports and sport for charities.
- #QuintonWellness,it includes all the wellness campaigns organised including a weekly nutritionist service, a physiotherapist available during working hours, programmes to improve sleep quality and to stop smoking, emotional coaching and free fruit and nuts and dried fruit at work.
What is the EFR certificate?
The EFR certificate (Family-Friendly Company) acknowledges the overall reconciliation of work and family life management of companies that strive to come up with new methods to balance the personal and professional life of its employees.

It is a third party certification that focuses on the continual improvement of matters that help organisations in different areas, whether it is to satisfy the existing internal needs of staff to reconcile their work and family life, advocate equal opportunities or hiring people from the most deprived groups of society.