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We invite you to explore the various recognitions our organization has received over the past few years for our business efforts, healthy project, sustainability, or our team's solidarity.
Medium-Sized Company Category
Top 10 Company of 2024
Award from the Diputación of Alicante
Winners in the SME Category
Winners in the Business Category
Gold Innovation Award for "Quinton Medical Probiotic Digest Health"
Winners in the category "Company Committed to Well-being"
Jury Prize - Cosmetic Products Category - for Eau de Quinton Dermo Action
Best Internal Communication Practice in SMEs
Most Collaborative Company in R&D
Honorable Mention for Training and Employment
Winners in the Prevencionar ODS Category
Winners in the category "Pharmaceutical Laboratory: Best Human Resources Management"
Winners in the category "Good Practices in CSR"
Winners of the "Research Award"
Best CSR Communication Campaign with Labor Content
Third Prize in the category "Promotion of Physical Activity and Healthy Habits"
"Healthy SME" Ambassador
Award for Training in the SME Category
Award for the "Best Family Brand"
Category "Most Sustainable Company"
1st Honorable Mention in the “Workplace” Category
2nd Prize in the category of “Best Flexibility and Work-Life Balance Policies”
Finalists in the “Best Exporting Company” Category
Best CSR Communication Campaign with Labor Content: “Quinton, Well-being Laboratory”
Winners in the “Company Committed to Well-being” Category
Rating A
Winners in the SME and Emotional Well-being Categories
First place in the SME Category
SME Category
Finalists in the “Healthy Leadership” Category
Winners of the “Work-Life Balance” and “Social Responsibility” Awards
2nd Honorable Mention in the “Companies” Category
Honorable Mention
1st Honorable Mention
Finalists in the “Somos Conciliadores” Category
Finalist: Cecilia Coll
2nd Best SME to Work for in Spain
1st Honorable Mention
Distinction in Occupational Risk Prevention from the Valencian Community
2nd Honorable Mention in the SME Category
Finalists in the categories: SME of the Year and SME CSR
Honorable Mention in the SME Category
3rd Best SME to Work for in Spain
Modality: Work-family balance
Modality: Work-family balance
Winners of GPTW Video Contest: “We are passionate about our workplace”
Winner: Francisco Javier Coll
Finalist: Francisco Javier Coll